Uwe R. Zimmer
Uwe R. Zimmer

Robotics in ..
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    ..  GermanyUpdate
    ..  AustraliaUpdate


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Current research interests
Towards real-world, multi-robot systems
    Keywords: autonomous and adaptive physical systems, distributed estimation and control, real-time architectures, active sensing, clustering & classification, distributed communication
    Dependable airborne and underwater autonomous robotics systems require new concepts of design as well as rigorous experimentation in the field.

Current projects
Some former projects
  • High speed car stabilization
  • ARC-project:
    To flee or not to flee: surviving on incomplete information
    (collaboration with the Research School for Biological Sciences)
  • Robust autonomous systems
    (hybrid modelling of interactions with natural/hostile environments)
  • Bioinformation
    (perspectives in understanding and utilizing natural information 'processing')
  • Auditory spatial modelling
  • Global and specific behaviour modelling
  • LISA (auditory spatial modelling)
  • ALICE (self-localization, exploration, world-modelling, navigation, neural networks)
  • SPIN (subsymbolic, geometric abstractions - object recognition)
  • ALBATROSS (realtime communication and operating system)

Selected publications
Underwater Acoustic Localization for Small Submersibles
Navinda Kottege & Uwe R. Zimmer
Journal of Field Robotics (intl. journal) Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 40-69, 2011
Abstract | contact authors for a copy
Optima Localization by Vehicle Formations Imitating the Nelder-Mead Simpley Algorithm
Shahab Kalantar & Uwe R. Zimmer
Autonomous Robots (intl. journal) 2009, 27:239-260
Abstract | contact authors for a copy
Distributed Dynamical Omnicast Routing
Felix Schill & Uwe R. Zimmer
Complex Systems (intl. journal) Volume 16, Issue 4, 2006
Abstract | contact authors for a copy
(more publications | activities | students)

Current courses
Some former courses


Public PGP key

  Canberra, Australia
GMT +10h [+1h DST]
Phone: +61 2 6125 8619
Fax: +61 2 6125 8660

Fellow at the Australian National University  

for the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
Department of Computer Science
Building 108
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200, Australia

and the Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering
Department of Systems Engineering
RSISE Building 115
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200, Australia

formerly visiting professor at the International University Bremen  
School of Engineering and Science
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Campus-Ring, 28759 Bremen, Germany

formerly scientific director of the
GMD - Japan Research Laboratory
Kitakyushu, Japan

formerly head of the underwater activities at the
German National Research Centre
for Information Technology

Institute for Autonomous intelligent Systems
Bonn, German
(The German National Research Centre ceased to exist in 2001,
while most former research institutes were transformed into Fraunhofer institutes.
So was the now Fraunhofer Institute for Autonomous Intelligent Systems.)

formerly research and teaching assistant at the
University of Kaiserslautern
Kaiserslautern, Germany

Local conditions


San Francisco,
San Francisco, U.S.A. Forecast Bremen, Germany Forecast Tokyo, Japan Forecast Canberra, Australia Forecast


Some of the Origamis on this site are created by Sarah Wooden
Most Japanese translations by Yoko Yamane & Setsuko Takashima
Russian translations by Klaus-Jürgen Nissen
Arabic translations by Maki K. Habib
Layout support from Elke Finke
... and many, many webmasters helping to keep these resources up to date.