- by default 'AND' is assumed between all search terms
- OR
- 'OR' needs to be placed for alternatives (e.g. 'center OR centre')
- +
- some search terms would be omitted by the search engine, due to ambivalence. '+' is used to include them explicitly (e.g. '+where', '+I')
- -
- used to exclude words from search (e.g. '-MicroSoft')
- ""
- used to search for complete phrases (e.g. '"Rumble Fish"')
- site:
- used to restrict search to a specific site (e.g. 'site:www.stanford.edu')
- Search case sensitive?
- No! no! NO!
- Wildcards?
- no wildcards supported here
Additional possibilities are described on these search help pages
This search index is updated about weekly.