Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA) : Code and related preprints. Lester Ingber.
Alberta - Biological Computation Project : Research and references on the motion correspondence problem, the value unit connectionist architecture, network interpretation, redundant networks, medical diagnosis, and issues in cognitive science.
Amsterdam - Intelligent Autonomous Systems : Research papers, preprints, introductory textbook on neural networks and robotics.
Antwerp (UIA) - Theoretical Neurobiology Unit : Realistic models of neurons to explore the function of the nervous system, particularly the mammalian cerebellum.
Artificial Life Bibliography : Maintained by Ezequiel A Di Paolo at University of Sussex.
Artificial Life Online : MIT Press supplement to the Artificial Life Journal. Software, papers, events, bibliographic database, and a tutorial on cellular automata (formerly at santafe.edu, now moved to a new .org web-site).
Aston - Neural Computing Research Group : Research on the theory and applications of neural networks and related techniques. Includes lists of recent publications and preprints, and other resources.
Australian National University (ANU) - Bioinformatics : Includes keyword search.
Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI) - Neural Networks : Research and publications in practical applications of neural networks; theoretical research on neural networks; cognitive modelling with neural networks; neural network simulation tools.
The Backpropagator's Review : Annotated bibliography of online articles on backpropagation and hybrid networks, maintained by Donald Tveter.
Baldwin Effect Bibliography : On-line bibliography on the Baldwin effect, machine learning, genetic algorithms, learning and evolution in neural networks.
Beckman Institute - Cognitive Neuroscience Group
Boston - Center for Adaptive Systems (CAS) - FTP : Includes C code for Grossberg and Carpenter's adaptive resonance theory (ART1, ART2, ARTMAP) models.
Boston - Cognitive and Neural Systems (CNS) / Center for Adaptive Systems (CAS) : Includes list of technical reports and online publications. Stephen Grossberg and others.
Brandeis - Neurosciences : Molecular neurobiology, developmental neurobiology, behavioral genetics, physiology and biophysics of single nerve cells, learning and memory, computational neurobiology, integration of neural function, cognitive neuroscience, human motor control, neurolinguistics, psychophysics.
Brandeis - Volen Center for Complex Systems
British Neuroscience Association : The BNA organises courses, symposia and meetings, publishes newsletters, advertises PhD studentships and jobs in neuroscience, lists BSc and MSc neuroscience courses in the UK, and provides links to other useful neuroscience-related resources.
Brunel - Artificial Life and Genetic Algorithms
Brunel - Centre for Neural Computing Applications
Brunel - Centre for Neural and Evolutionary Systems (CNES) : Research on development of intelligent systems using neural architectures, genetic algorithms and genetic programming. On-going research projects include evolutionary adaptive neurocontrol, reconfigurable flight control, neural networks and genetic algorithms for engineering problems, and evolutionary algorithms for implementing artificial life.
California-Davis (UCDAVIS) - Center for Neuroscience
California-Los Angeles (UCLA) - Artificial Life
California-San Diego (UCSD) - Autism and Brain Development Research Laboratory
California-San Diego (UCSD) - Institute for Neural Computation (INC)
California-San Diego (UCSD) - Neural Net Archive (FTP)
Caltech - Bower Lab : Computational modelling and experimental investigation of information processing in the mammalian cortex; the piriform (cerebral) cortex, believed to be involved in the classification of olfactory stimuli, and the cerebellar cortex, which is involved in sensory motor control.
Caltech - Computation and Neural Systems (CNS) Program
Cambridge - Computer Vision and Computational Neuroscience
Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science (CSBBCS) / Société Canadienne du Cerveau, Comportement et Sciences Cognitives (SCCCSC) : Includes online abstracts of papers presented at annual meetings.
Carnegie Mellon - Artificial Intelligence Repository : Software packages for alife and complex adaptive systems, distributed AI, genetic programming, neural networks, and many others.
Carnegie Mellon - Computational Models of Neural Systems : Syllabus and lecture materials for course on information processing in real neural systems. Anatomical, physiological and psychophysical context, and computer models. Dave Touretzky.
Carnegie Mellon/Pittsburgh - Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition (CNBC) : The CNBC is dedicated to the study of the neural basis of cognitive processes, including learning and memory, language and thought, perception, attention, and planning. The CNBC also promotes the application of the study of the neural basis of cognition to AI, technology, and medicine. Extensive collection of neuroscience WWW links.
Case Western Reserve (CWRU) - Autonomous Agents Research Group : Research and publications on evolution of dynamical nervous systems (continuous-time recurrent neural networks) for autonomous agents, dynamics of adaptive behaviour, biologically-inspired robotics and other topics. Randall Beer.
Clustering, Classification and Unsupervised Learning (Mixture Modelling) : Resource page maintained by David Dowe at Monash University.
Cognitive Neuroscience Society
Cognitive Systems: Integrated and Hybrid Architectures and Algorithms : Resource list, references, on-line bibliographies, other links. Maintained by Vasant Honavar at Iowa State University.
Complexity On-line : A scientific information network on complex systems, including links to newsgroups, publications, bibliographic data, software, tutorials and online processing.
Connectionist Models of Cognitive, Affective, Brain and Behavioral Disorders : A discussion and resource list for connectionist and neural network model of disorders associated with mental or brain conditions. Maintained by Greg Siegle at SDSU.
Defence Research Agency - Pattern and Information Processing (PIP) Group : Publications on self-organising neural networks, adaptive cluster expansion networks, radial basis function networks, Bayesian networks, vector quantisation, image processing and other topics.
Delft University of Technology - Pattern Recognition Group : Includes information on books, journals, review papers, bibliographies, conferences, mailing lists, software and research groups in this area.
Dublin - Electronic Engineering - Autonomous Systems Group - FTP : Research on artificial systems exhibiting autonomous behaviour and organisation comparable to that of biological organisms. Projects with real (LEGO) robots, within the evolutionary robotics paradigm, and cellular automata-based studies of simple biological organisation.
Edinburgh - Centre for Neural Systems (CNS) : Research and publications on computational neuroscience and neural networks, including radial basis function networks and a comprehensive hypertext introduction to RBF nets by Mark Orr.
Edinburgh - Evolutionary Computation Group
Edinburgh - Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation (ANC)
Eindhoven University of Technology - Neural Networks : Includes contents of recent issues of several journals - IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Neural Networks, Neural Computation and Connection Science.
Finnish University Network (FUNET) - Neural Archive Site : An FTP archive for all kinds of artificial neural network, neurophysiology and neuropsychology materials.
FISC (Financement Insertion en Sciences Cognitives) Mailing List - English or French : International mailing list devoted to jobs, post-docs and grants in cognitive science, interpreted broadly to include all disciplines covered by this resource guide. Highly recommended.
Flinders - Centre for Neuroscience
Florida - Electrical Engineering - Computational NeuroEngineering Lab (CNEL) : Research and publications on signal processing, nonlinear dynamics, analogue computation and special purpose digital hardware, with strong link to neurobiology.
Florence - Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica (DSI) - Neural Networks Group : Research on theoretical aspects of learning in static and recurrent networks, integration of prior knowledge and learning, application to spoken and written language processing. Technical papers and publications, events, extensive list of global neural networks-related WWW resources.
Foundation for Neural Networks (SNN) : Includes a useful list of neural network pointers to groups, journals and books, educational material, companies, conferences, bibliographic search tools and other resources.
Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks (GANN) List : Includes bibliography and technical report providing "a preliminary taxonomy" of research on Evolutionary Design of Neural Architectures (EDNA). Vasant Honavar.
Genetic Programming : Resource page for genetic programming researchers, maintained by Adil Qureshi at University College London.
Genetic Programming Notebook : Genetic programming FAQ, tutorial, software, bibliographies, papers, journals, CFPs and links to research groups. English, Spanish and Japanese versions.
Glasgow - Engineering - Centre for Systems and Control - Technical Reports : Publications on neural networks, genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, nonlinear control systems, fuzzy logic control, robot control, and related topics.
Glasgow - Engineering - Neural Adaptive Control Technology (NACT) : Fusion of adaptive control and neural network technologies in the context of multiple computing agents and industrial automation environments.
Helsinki - Neural Networks Research Centre : Research on the Self Organising Map (SOM) and Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) models. Includes public domain C code and bibliography. Teuvo Kohonen, Erkki Oja.
Hybrid and Integrated Systems - Special Interest Group
Hybrid Intelligent Systems Home Page : Maintained by Sumit Virman and Larry Medsker at American University (AU).
IEEE Neural Networks Council (NNC) : Information on conferences and events (both IEEE and non-IEEE), publications, research programs, and NNC administration. Also Connections , an online newsletter providing similar information plus book reviews and a technology column.
Illinois - Genetic Algorithms Laboratory (IlliGAL) : Technical reports, source code, an order form for journal reprints, and links to other sources of genetic algorithms information. David Goldberg.
Institut Dalle Molle d'Intelligence Artificielle Perceptive (IDIAP), Valais : Research on neural networks, computer vision, logic programming, optical character recognition, speaker verification and identification, speech recognition, uncertainty management in expert systems and other areas.
Institut des Sciences Cognitives (ISC), Lyon : Research on philosophy of mind, language science, neural organisation of language, word recognition, face recognition, neural networks, action representation, emotion, neural organisation of spatially oriented movement, cortical circuits for goal-oriented movement, modelling learning processes, and functional brain mapping.
Institut für Neuroinformatik : Bernd Fritzke. Research and publications on incremental self-organising and radial basis function (RBF) networks for unsupervised and supervised learning.
Intelligent Hybrid Systems : Maintained by Sukhdev Khebbal and Suran Goonatilake at University Colllege London (UCL).
International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) : Research and publications on artificial intelligence applications of massive parallelism, with emphasis on structured connectionism. Applications in vision, geometric structures and algorithms, speech, knowledge representation and learning.
International Neural Network Society (INNS)
International Society for Adaptive Behavior (ISAB) : A scientific society devoted to education and furthering research on adaptive behaviour in animals, animats, software agents and robots. Links to relevant journals, conferences, jobs, research groups etc.
Iowa - Artificial Intelligence Research Group : Vasant Honavar and others, principally on symbolic/connectionist systems. Research papers available online.
Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale (IDSIA), Lugano Research on AI tools, robotics (execution, planning and learning of sensor-based activities), knowledge discovery, artificial life, linguistics and second language learning, reinforcement learning, evolutionary computation, neural networks and other areas.
Italian Neural Network Society / Società Italiana Reti Neuroniche
Japan - Robotics in Japan : An extensive list of institutes, groups, and people concerned with robotics and related topics (including artificial life, neural networks, vision and cognition) in Japan. Maintained by Uwe R. Zimmer.
Johns Hopkins - Mind/Brain Institute : Research on the neural mechanisms of higher mental function, particularly perception. Research groups in cellular neuroscience, computational neuroscience, neuroanatomy, neurobiology of language, neurology, somatosensory neurophysiology and visual neurophysiology.
Johns Hopkins - Neuroscience : Research on molecular, cellular, developmental, systems and cognitive neuroscience.
Kawato Dynamic Brain Project : Research on computational neurobiology, computational psychology and computational learning.
Keio - Neural Computing Centre
Lausanne (EPFL) - Centre for Neural Computation : Research on neural networks with spiking neurons, computational neuroscience, and neurocontrollers for robotic agents.
Leibniz Laboratory - Systèmes Cognitifs / Cognitive Systems : Cognitive systems - investigation, modelling and implementation of cognitive abilities such as knowledge representation, reasoning, perception, action, learning and language - and interdisciplinary research on neural networks, probabilistic models and genetic algorithms in robotics and AI, multi-agent systems and other areas.
Limburgs Universitair Centrum (LUC) - Neural Networks Group : Research on the properties of neural networks using techniques from statistical mechanics and information theory. Includes reference database, browser for Neuron Digest and Genetic Algorithms Digest, external links, and events information.
London-Imperial College (ICL) - Neural Systems Group
London-King's College (KCL) - Centre for Neural Networks (CNN)
London-King's College (KCL) - NEuroNet : KCL is the coordinator of NEuroNet, the ESPRIT European Neural Networks `Network of Excellence', consisting of over 30 academic and 7 industrial nodes. Access to researchers, activities, software, discussion forum, site list, conference information and research papers related to neural networks.
London-University College (UCL) - Evolutionary Algorithm Research (nUCLEAR)
London-University College (UCL) - Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit : Research on computational theories of perception and action with an emphasis on learning. Main current interests are unsupervised learning and activity dependent development, statistical models of hierarchical representations, sensorimotor adaptation and integration, visual and olfactory segmentation and recognition, computation by non-linear neural dynamics, and reinforcement learning. Directed by Geoffrey Hinton.
London-University College (UCL) - Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience (ICN) : Directed by Tim Shallice.
London-University College (UCL) - Institute of Neurology
London-University College (UCL) - Intelligent Hybrid Systems : Guide to books, tools and environments, component techniques, bibliography and external links on hybrid systems combining genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, neural networks and expert systems.
London-University College (UCL) - Intelligent Systems Group : Applied research in neural networks, evolutionary techniques, fuzzy logic and hybrid systems.
London-University College (UCL) - Neural Computation and Robotics Group : Research and publications on modelling neuronal function, multi-unit recording, robotics and virtual reality.
London and South East Centre for High Performance Computing (SEL-HPC) - Neural Networks Archive : Articles on learning algorithms, architectures, applications, tools, neural networks with parallel processing, and other subjects. Also, links to home pages of researchers in neural networks. Users can add their own articles, and a link to their own home page.
Los Alamos National Laboratory - Center for Nonlinear Studies (CNLS) : Includes research on neural networks.
Louvain, Universite Catholique (UCL-DICE) - Microelectronics Laboratory - Neural Networks Group
Lund - Cognitive Science (LUCS) : Research and publications on evolutionary processes, conceptual spaces, robots with autonomous spatial learning, conceptual engineering and focus movements, vision and discourse, neural vision, categorization and recognition of biological motion, natural intelligence in artificial creatures, category learning and other topics. Peter Gardenfors, Christian Balkenius and others.
Machine Intelligence Institute (MII) : Ronald Yager.
Manchester - Artificial Intelligence Group : Knowledge representation, reasoning, natural language, memory, learning and neural networks.
Massachusetts (UMass) - Adaptive Network Laboratory : Research in machine and biological learning, including artificial neural networks, reinforcement learning, and computational models of adaptive motor control.
Massachusetts (UMass) - Reinforcement Learning Archive : Code and papers by Richard Sutton.
McDonnell-Pew Program in Cognitive Neuroscience : International research funding program established jointly by the James S. McDonnell Foundation and the Pew Charitable Trusts.
McGill - Laboratory for Natural and Simulated Cognition : Research and publications on connectionist modelling of cognitive development, interactions between knowledge and learning, techniques for analyzing knowledge representations in neural nets, and cognitive consistency phenomena in social psychology. Thomas Shultz.
Medical Research Council (MRC) - Applied Psychology Unit (APU) - Neural Networks : Modular neural networks based on the Categorizing And Learning Module (CALM) paradigm. Jacob Murre. Also, an overview of neural hardware.
Medical Research Council (MRC) - Research Centre in Brain and Behaviour
Michigan - Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
Minnesota - Center for Neuroscientific Databases : Publications, information on data design, visualization tools.
MIT - Behavioral Neuroscience Laboratory
MIT - Brain and Cognitive Sciences : Research on molecular and cellular neurobiology, systems neuroscience, cognitive science, computation and cognitive neuroscience.
MIT - Brain and Cognitive Sciences - Cognitive Neuroscience
MIT - Brain and Cognitive Sciences - Systems Neuroscience : Research on vision, movement, and endocrine regulation, with the scientific goals of understanding transduction and encoding of sensory stimuli, the organization, development, and plasticity of sensory-motor systems, and the effects of circulating compounds on brain composition and behavior.
MIT - Brain and Cognitive Sciences - Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience : Research on the development of neural connectivity, on the molecular basis of behavior in simple neural circuits, on synaptic plasticity, and on neurochemistry.
MIT - Center for Biological and Computational Learning (CBCL) : An interdisciplinary center which promotes research collaboration in artificial intelligence, computer science, engineering and the neurosciences.
Neural and Computational Learning Theory (NeuroCOLT) : Technical reports. European Community ESPRIT Working Group.
NEURON : A simulation environment for developing and exercising models of neurons and networks of neurons. NEURON is particularly well-suited to problems where cable properties of cells play an important role, possibly including extracellular potential close to the membrane), and where cell membrane properties are complex, involving many ion-specific channels, ion accumulation, and second messengers.
Neuropage : Research, publications, reviews, news and other resources on the neural and cognitive sciences. Principally for Greek speakers. Maintained by Stavros Zanos at the Medical School of Thessaloniki.
Neuropsychology Central : Comprehensive guide to neuropsychology-related resources on WWW, maintained by Jeffrey Browndyke.
Nevada - Center for Biomedical Modeling Research : Application of neural network and advanced probabilistic/statistical concepts to large health care databases.
New South Wales - Artificial Intelligence : Research in cognitive science, control applications, knowledge acquisition, machine learning, multi-agent problem solving, natural language understanding, neural networks, qualitative methods, robotics, vision and pattern recognition.
North Carolina-Chapel Hill - Computer Science - Neural Networks and Vision : Research on neural network models of visual perception.
Northwestern - Neural Information Processing Laboratory : Interdisciplinary research on artificial neural networks and their use in elucidating the functions of the animal brain, especially the motor system, and utilizing biological control principles to design dexterous machines.
Oregon - Institute of Neuroscience
Oregon Graduate Institute (OGI) - Neural Network Research Group : Research, publications, demos, external links.
Oxford - McDonnell-Pew Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience : Research on sensory representation, memory formation, motor programming, language and attention as well as philosophical approaches to cognition. Organises seminars, workshops, summer schools and conferences.
Pacific Northwest Laboratory - Neural Networks
Paris-Ecole Normale Superieure - Groupe de BioInformatique : Research on animats, neural networks, genetic algorithms, image processing and vision, and links to related sites.
PDP++ Simulator : Neural-network simulation system written in C++, by James McClelland et al. Includes full source code, tutorials and comprehensive documentation.
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction : Introductory textbook on reinforcement learning by Richard Sutton and Andrew Barto (1998). The book is published by MIT Press, and a full on-line version is also available. Topics covered include evaluative feedback, the agent-environment interface, goals and rewards, the Markov property, Markov decision processes, optimal value functions, dynamic programming, Monte Carlo methods, temporal difference learning, eligibility traces, generalization and function approximation, planning and learning.
Rochester - Brain and Cognitive Sciences : Research on brain changes during sensitive periods for learning, neurotransmitters and the developing nervous system, hormonal influences on the development of the nervous system, experience and the development of perceptual-motor systems, mechanisms underlying the acquisition of language, mechanisms underlying the comprehension of language, modularity in cognitive function and the brain, electrophysiological indicators of cognitive function, sensory and perceptual modulation of reflexive behaviours, fundamental limits to vision, serial organization of vision, and modularity in visual function.
Rochester - Center for Visual Science : Interdisciplinary research from brain and cognitive sciences, computer science, neurobiology and anatomy, neurology and ophthalmology.
Rochester - Computer Science (URCS) - AI Technical Reports : Planning, knowledge representation, temporal reasoning, discourse, natural language processing, cognitive modelling, genetic algorithms, reinforcement learning, vision, speech recognition, neural networks, supervised and unsupervised learning, embodiment, object recognition and other topics. James Allen, Dana Ballard, Graeme Hirst et al.
Roland's Project Page : Tools, sites and articles relevant to invariant pattern recognition and neural nets. Maintained by Roland Schwaiger.
Royal Institute of Technology of Sweden - Studies of Artificial Neural Systems (SANS) : Research in neural computation and computational neuroscience.
Rutgers - Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience (CMBN) : Including research on neural basis of language development, visual perception and many related topics.
Sheffield - Neural Networks Course : On-line lecture notes, problems and solutions, by Kevin Gurney.
Southampton - Image, Speech and Intelligent Systems (ISIS) Research Group : Research and publications on control and intelligent systems (neurofuzzy controllers for multivariable systems), neural networks and neurofuzzy systems (learning laws, network construction algorithms, data pre-processing techniques), speech processing and speech acoustics, and computer vision and image processing. Also information on neurofuzzy conferences, software etc.
Southampton - NeuroSciNet : International list of neuroscience labs on WWW, with an emphasis on neurobiology, and a forum for discussion.
Southern California (USC) - Brain Project : Research on the role of synaptic plasticity in learning and compensation for disease within the brain; neuroscience of basal ganglia, hippocampus and cerebellum; neural and conceptual modelling; databases and visualization.
Southern California (USC) - Robotics Research Laboratory : Research in autonomous robotics, biological and artificial neural systems, reinforcement learning, genetic algorithms, robotic and prosthetic hands, design for assembly, and fuzzy control. Affiliated with the Center for Neural Engineering, directed by Michael Arbib.
Stanford - Adaptive Intelligent Systems : Research and publications on architectural foundations, selective attention, reasoning processes for diagnosis, prediction, and planning, reactive behavior, real-time control, global coordination of multiple tasks, motivational factors, reasoning by analogy, improvisation under constraints, learning from experience. Barbara Hayes-Roth.
StatSoft, Inc - Electronic Statistics Textbook : An online statistics textbook including sections on classification trees, cluster analysis, data mining techniques, neural networks and time series analysis. Useful for both undergraduates and graduates.
Stirling - Centre for Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience (CCCN) : Research in cognitive neuropsychology, genetic algorithms, neural networks, artificial life, visual and auditory perception, perception of music, synaesthesia, and computer vision.
Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator (SNNS)
Surrey - Artificial Intelligence Group : Research on connectionist simulation of linguistic and numerical development (both innate and environmentally related processes), multiagent systems, terminology and text-based knowledge acquisition, knowledge-based expert systems, and computational semiotics.
Sussex - Centre for Computational Neuroscience and Robotics
Sussex - Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems Group : One of the world's largest groups of researchers studying artificial evolutionary and adaptive systems (work often described as artificial life, evolutionary computation, and adaptive behaviour research) including Dave Cliff, Inman Harvey and Phil Husbands.
Szeged/Institute of Isotopes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Adaptive Systems : Research and publications on self-organized artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, autonomous agents, reinforcement learning, constructive learning, concept learning, biological modelling and analog/mixed VLSI design.
Texas - Neural Networks FTP Archive
Texas - Arlington - Image Processing and Neural Networks Laboratory at the University of Texas at Arlington: Environments for neural networks design and application, Windows demo- und freeware.
Texas - Austin - Laboratory for Artificial Neural Systems : Research and publications on supervised, unsupervised and partially supervised paradigms for data clustering and principal component analysis, and as neurobiologically inspired models for recognition of spatiotemporal sequences. Joydeep Ghosh.
Texas - Austin - Neural Networks Research Group : Research and publications in natural language processing, schema-based vision, cortical self-organization, episodic memory, decision making, and evolving neural networks with genetic algorithms. Risto Miikkulainen.
Texas - Houston - Baylor College of Medicine - Center for Theoretical Neuroscience - Computational Neurobiology Lab : Research, publications, virtual lab, simulations, a list of molecular biology databases and resources, and other neuro-related links.
Wales - Medicine - Applied Vision : Internet vision resource guide, information on eye movement monitoring equipment and eye movement and visual science software.
Washington - Philosophy/Neuroscience/Psychology : Research papers on cognitive science, connectionism, representation, learning, language, consiousness, philosophy of science.
Western Australia - Centre for Intelligent Information Processing Systems (CIIPS) : Research on artificial neural networks, syntactic pattern recognition, biomedical engineering and image/speech processing.
Wisconsin - Artificial Intelligence : Jude Shavlick. Neural/symbolic hybrids. Also computer vision, robotics, machine learning, neural networks, deductive problem solving and expert systems. Research papers by FTP.
Yale - Neuroengineering and Neuroscience Center (NNC) : Formerly the Center for Theoretical and Applied Neuroscience (CTAN).
York - Cognitive Neuropsychology
Zurich (UNIZH) - Artificial Intelligence Laboratory : Interdisciplinary research and publications on the study of intelligence in natural and artificial systems, specialising in situated design and autonomous agent design. Neural network-based, biologically inspired robots. Rolf Pfeifer.
Home | AI | Cog. Sci. | Neural Sci. | Robotics | Conf. | Journals | FAQs | Guides This site was built up by Stephanie Warrick (formerly at the University College London) and is currently maintained by Uwe R. Zimmer <uwe.zimmer@ieee.org>. Updates and suggestions for additions are welcome from people engaged in academic or non-commercial scientific research. We have very little time to maintain this site, and information about obsolete links is especially welcome.