Institute (University, Company, Organization) - Place, Country
Laboratory, group Some major topics Some researchers Some vehicles



Aberdeen University - Aberdeen, U.K.
Ocean Lab. Autonomous landers, Acoustics Monty Priede AUDOS


Alfred-Wegner Institute (AWI) - Bremerhafen, Germany
Deepsea research Autonomous landers Hjalmar Thiel AUV payload modules


Autonomous Undersea Systems Institute (AUSI) - New Hampshire, U.S.A.
Marine Systems Engineering Laboratory (MSEL) Environmental monitoring, Generic behaviors, Control D. Richard Blidberg,
Roy M. Turner,
Elise H. Turner
other vehicles,


Australian National University - Canberra, Australia
System Engineering Individual and swarm style AUVs Uwe R. Zimmer
see full team listing (Serafina)
see full team listing (KAMBARA)
Serafina project (school of small AUVs)

KAMBARA project (full payload AUV)

Bluefin Robotics Corp. - Cambridge, U.S.A.
Bluefin Robotics Autonomous underwater vehicles


Odyssey I,
Odyssey II B
Odyssey III
C & C Technologies - Lafayette, U.S.A.
C & C Technologies Autonomous underwater vehicles survey services


C - Surveyor I AUV,
C - Surveyor II AUV
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Instituto Automazione Navale (CNR-IAN) - Genova, Italy
Robo Lab. Control, Navigation, Localization, Manipulation Gianmarco Veruggio AMADEUS


Cornell University - Ithaca, U.S.A.
Cornell University Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Team Submersible for the annual AUVSI competition Cornell AUV team Autonomous submarine
Cranfield University - Cranfield , U.K.
Offshore Technology Centre Underwater imaging, AUVs Steve Tetlow Hammerhead
CSIRO - Brisbane, Australia
Robotics & Automation Vision, Visual servoing, Large scale real-world systems, Flying and diving vehicles Peter Corke Autonomous submarine
Cybernetics - Marseille, France
Offshore Department Autonomous Underwater Vehicles for intervention and survey, Hybrid AUV/ROV Peter Weiss ALIVE (AUV)
Technical University of Denmark - Lyngby, Denmark
Department of Automation Sonar for underwater inspection Morten Lind Martin


Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) - Lisboa, Portugal
Dynamical Systems and Ocean Robotics Laboratory (DSOR) Installations, Long range missions, Exploration, Control António Pascoal Caravela


Defence Science and Technology Department (DSTO) - Melbourne, Australia
Maritime Platforms Division Underwater warefare info Wayamba
Duke University - Durham, U.S.A.
Duke Robotics Submersible for the annual AUVSI competition Duke AUV team Charybdis
ECA - Toulon, France
Civil Robotics Large scale autonomous underwater vehicles Dominique Mallet ALISTAR3000
University of Florida - Florida, U.S.A.
Machine Intelligence Laboratory Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for competitions Antonio Arroyo,
Michael Nechyba,
Eric Schwartz
Scott Kanowitz
Florida Atlantic University - Florida, U.S.A.
Advanced Marine Systems Laboratory Sam Smith,
Stan Dunn,
Edgar An,
Ocean Explorer (II)

Bottom Classification / Albedo Package

Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) - Florida, U.S.A.
Underwater Technologies Laboratory Investigation-, Surveyor-, Harvester-, Analyzer-, & Crawler-Autonomous underwater vehicles Stephen L. Wood,
Eric Thosteson,
Hector Gutierrez,
Ken Ports,
Dr. Rufus Cofer,
David Clay
Under ice AUV

Surf zone AUV

Hafmynd ltd. - Reykjavik, Iceland
GAVIA system Autonomous underwater vehicle Torfi Thorhallsson AUV Base Unit
Harbour Branch Oceonographic Institution - Florida, U.S.A.
Ocean Engineering & Production Autonomous underwater vehicle Jerry W. Neely Ocean Voyager
University of Hawaii - Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Autonomous Systems Lab. Navigation, Search, Recognition Junku Yuh Omni-Directional Intelligent Navigator (ODIN)

Projects & Publications

Heriot-Watt University - Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.
Ocean Systems Lab. (Most vehicles operated remotely), Vision, Sonar, Manipulation, Simulation, Acoustic, electromagnetic and optical communication, Positioning, Navigation, Sampling Robin Dunbar,
David Lane,
Ron McHugh,
Manuel Trucco


Hydroid - E. Falmouth, MA, U.S.A.
Hydroid A small, light weight, commercial AUV Info contact Remus
Hyland Underwater Vehicles - Ontario, Canada
Hyland Underwater Vehicles A simple, small, proof-of-concept AUV Info contact MicroSeeker
French Institute of Research and Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER) - Toulon, France
Data Processing Systems Control and navigation, Control architectures VORTEX
International Submarine Engineering Research (ISER) - Port Coquitlam, Vancouver, Canada
International Submarine Engineering Research (ISER) Cable laying, Autonomy, Communications James Ferguson ARCS,
JAMSTEC - Yokosuka, Japan
Marine Technology Department Long distance inertial navigation Taro Aoki Long distance AUV
KDD - Tokyo, Japan
Marine Lab. Vision, Cable tracking, Communications Kenichi Asakawa Venus,
Cable finder,
Aqua Explorer 2,
Aqua Explorer 1000
KISS Institute for Practical Robotics (KIPR) - Reston, VA, U.S.A.
KISS Institute for Practical Robotics (KIPR) David P. Miller DRIP
Univeristy of Louisiana - Lafayette, Louisiana, U.S.A.
Apparel Computer Integrated Manufacturing Center Autonomous vehicle for underwater exploration Ramesh Kolluru Phantom-S2
MARIDAN - Hørsholm, Denmark
ATLAS MARIDAN ApS Design and manufacturing of autonomous underwater vehicles info
MIT - Cambridge, MA, U.S.A.
AUV Lab at MIT Sea Grant Small, high performance vehicles, Non acoustic sensors, Energy management, Docking, Adaptive sampling, Multiple vehicle operations, Coastal modeling, Object mapping, Under-ice, Autonomous ocean sampling Chryssostomos Chryssostomidis,
James G. Bellingham
Odyssey IIb,

AOSN MURI: Real-time oceanography with autonomous ocean sampling networks,


Project ORCA Submersible for the annual AUVSI competition The ORCA team ORCA IV
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) - Monterey, California, U.S.A.
Underwater Robotics Jim Bellingham Dorado


Naval Oceanographic Office - John C. Stennis Space Center, Mississippi, U.S.A.
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) Program Autonmous Underwater Vehicle Info Seahorse
Naval Postgraduate School - Monterey, California, U.S.A.
Center for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) Research Shallow waters applications Anthony J. Healey PHOENIX


National Research Council (NRC) of Canada- St. John's, Canada
Institute for Marine Dynamics Canadian Self-Contained Off-the-shelf Underwater Testbed Info C-SCOUT
Memorial Univeristy of Newfoundland - St. John's, Canada
Ocean Engineering Research Centre (OERC) Canadian Self-Contained Off-the-shelf Underwater Testbed Info C-SCOUT
NUI AS (Norwegian Underwater Intervention) - Bergen, Norway
NUI AS (Norwegian Underwater Intervention) Route and area surveys, Search, Logging Terje Vedeler HUGIN
University of Plymouth - Plymouth , U.K.
Marine and Industrial Dynamic Analysis Research Group (MIDAS) Underwater imaging, AUVs Robert Sutton,
John Chudley
University of Porto - Porto, Portugal
Faculty of Engineering:
Laboratório de Sistemas e Tecnologia Subaquática (LSTS)
Autonomous and remote vehicles, Control Fernando Manuel F. Lobo Pereira
... see complete staff list
Princeton University - Princeton, U.S.A.
Dynamical Control Systems Laboratory Coordinated control (multiple AUVs), Glider coordination and control Naomi Leonard
Ralf Bachmayer
Luc Moreau
Coordinated control


Université du Québec - École de technologie supérieure - Québec, Canada
S.O.N.I.A. Open frame autonomous vehicles, Competitions Jean-Pierre Marcotte,
... see complete staff list
Russian Academy of Sciences, Far East Branch - Russia
Institute of Marine Technology Problem Autonomous unmanned underwater vehicles (since 1974)
Solar power vehicles
Mikhail D. Ageev
A.F. Shcherbatyuk
A.V. Inzartsev
N.I. Rylov
see complete list of vehicles
Sias/Patterson Inc. - Gloucester Point, Virginia, U.S.A.
Sias/Patterson Inc. Autonmous Underwater Vehicle Info Fetch2
Simon Fraser University - Burnaby, BC, Canada
Underwater Research Lab. Underwater acoustics, Light-seeking AUVs, Autonomous sampling John S. Bird PURLII, PURL,

Pavilion Lake project

Southampton Oceanography Centre - Southampton, U.K.
Ocean Technology Devision Autonomous sampling, Longrange missions Nick Millard Autosub,


University of Southampton - Highfield, Southampton, U.K.
Image, Speech and Intelligent Systems research group Chris J. Harris,
David Mills
University of South Florida - St. Petersburg, Florida, U.S.A.
Center for Ocean Technology Sensors (optical, chemical, accustical) Seafloor classification Thomas Hopkins Bottom Classification / Albedo Package
Stanford Univeristy - Stanford, California, U.S.A.
Aerospace Robotics Laboratory (ARL) Dynamics, Control, High-level command-interface, Autonomy Robert H. Cannon jr. OTTER,


STN - Atlas Elektronik- Germany
DeepC Marine engineering, Power management Willi Hornfeld DeepC System
University of Sydney- Australia
Australian Centre for Field Robotics Position and attitude estimation, Control Hugh Durrant-Whyte,
Julio Rosenblatt
Texas AMU University - Texas, U.S.A.
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Lab. Glen N. Williams
Tokai University - Shimizu, Shizuoka, Japan
Kato (Underwater Robotics) Lab. Control, Docking, Cable inspection Naomi Kato Aqua Explorer 2,
Aqua Explorer 1000
University of Tokyo - Tokyo, Japan
Ura Lab Autonomy, Learning, Long-range operations, Gliding vehicles Tamaki Ura,
Yoshiaki Nose
R1 (long-range autonomous operation),


Uppsala University - Uppsala, Sweden
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Group Planning, Mission management Jonas Barklund [project terminated]
Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) - Blacksburg , VA, U.S.A.
Autonomous Systems and Controls Laboratory Small autonomous submersibles Daniel J. Stilwell Virginia Tech Miniature Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
University of Washington - Seattle, WA, U.S.A.
Seaglider Fabrication Centre (SFC) Ocean glider vehicles for industrial and scientific applications Fritz Stahr Seaglider



University of Western Australia - Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Mobile Robot Laboratory AUV for underwater competitions, Vision, Sonar, Simulation Thomas Bräunl Mako
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) - Woods Hole, MA, U.S.A.
Deep Submergence Lab. Long-term seafloor monitoring, all kinds of marine operations Robert Ballard Autonomous Benthic Explorer,

Sea Grant,



Some great related external resources

Please send any suggestions, questions, submissions, or comments regarding this page to
Uwe R. Zimmer (