Usually echidnas are shy and turn away from you and try to hide. This one seemed to not know any of this: It was heading straight towards me in its toddling gait. It may have confused me with a tree to press against for protection, but considering the length of the spikes and the strengths of its claws I wasn't too keen to test this theory. Kingdom: Animalia [view or comment on this photo on Flickr] Keyword tags: ACT; Australia; Canberra; Echidna; Fauna; Mammal; Mulligan's Flat; Nature; Short-beaked Echidna; Tachyglossus aculeatus aculeatus; Tachyglossus aculeatus; Tachyglossus; Tachyglossidae; Monotremata; Mammalia; Chordata; Animalia; Échidné à nez court; Kurzschnabeligel; Équidna-de-focinho-curto