. | Kitakyushu FAZ | Nagasaki FAZ | Oita FAZ | Kumamoto FAZ |
Area | Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture | Omura City, Nagasaki Prefecture | Oita City and Beppu City, Oita Prefecture | Kumamoto City and Mashiki Town, Kumamoto Prefecture |
Year of Designation | 1992 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 |
Hub Port/Airport | Kitakyushu Port | Nagasaki Airport | Oita Port | Kumamoto Port |
Project Organization | *Kitakyushu Import Promotion Center Co., Ltd. | *Nagasaki International Air Cargo Terminal Co.Ltd. | Oita International Trade Center Co., Ltd. | Kumamoto FAZ Co., Ltd. |
Outline |
The designated area includes the north exit zone of Kokura Station and the harbor districts in Kitakyushu City.
As the 1st-phase project, the following were established: Kitakyushu International Distribution Center (KID) in the Tachinoura area in Moji Ward (facility for distributing imported goods); Asian Pacific Import Mart (AIM) in the north exit area of Kokura Station (facility for spporting the import business). |
Nagasaki Airport Island and the opposite shore.
As the 1st-phase project, the following were established: airline cargo handling facilities on the airport island; Nagasaki Airport International Distribution Center with the freight agency building. As the 2nd-phase project, import support facilities were established on the opposite shore. | In the Ozai public wharf district in Oita Port, facilities to support distribution and business were established as the import base for goods from Asian countries in eastern Kyushu. | Distribution Center in the Port of Kumamoto is scheduled to open in Spring 1999. |