Ministry of International
Trade and Industry (MITI)
MITI covers a wide range of industrial fields, including basic industries,
machinery and information industries, and consumer goods industries. At the same
time, it is in charge of affairs related to foreign trade, high technologies, environmental
protection and industrial location, energy and other areas. |
Kyushu Bureau of MITI
Japan is divided into 8 blocs and the Kyushu Bureau of MITI is one
of the 8 regional bureaus established by MITI. The Bureau is responsible for planning
and drafting industrial policy for the Kyushu region, the promotion of international
trade, and promotion of the overall regional economy. In the Kyushu Bureau there
are 6 Departments, the General Coordination and Policy Planning Department, the Industry
Department, the Environmental Protection, Natural Resources Department, the International
Affairs Department, the Mine Damage Department and the Public Utilities Department
as well as 2 local agencies- the Kanmon International Trade Office and the Chikuho
Coal Mining Office- with each department or office responsible for their own policies
and operations.
(For potential investors:)
The International Affairs Department offers its support in foreign direct
investment in Kyushu. |
International Policy Planning and Reserch Division,
International Affairs Department,
Kyushu Bureau of MITI
2-11-1 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0013 Japan
(Phone) +81-92-482-5428 (Fax) +81-92-482-5321